Annual Report from the Chair 2023

At the outset I would like to thank our sponsors – Worley, Addleshaw Goddard, Kennedys, TAFE Queensland and The Government of Western Australia. During this rather trying period their support has ensured a continuity to our business group. It has also provided us with the resources to develop and deliver some of this year’s key initiatives and events.

I also acknowledge the great relationship we have with the Australian Embassy, the Ambassador, HE Mark Donovan, Austrade and the Honorary Consul, Mr Mustafa Salman. 

I was recently listening to a podcast from The Economist. The initial summary stated: 2021 – The year the world began to turn the tide against the pandemic
2022 – Will be dominated by the need to adjust to new realities. The new world of work, and the future of travel.

For 2024 I see that international trade, for so long suppressed because of the pandemic, will have a chance to thrive. And because of that organisations such as ABGO will have greater relevance in a changing world. Many Australian companies have seen their traditional markets blocked to them, and they, together with the Australian government are actively seeking new markets. Oman is on their radar.

Our main focus for securing that business and bringing it to Oman is ABGO Connect. A vehicle to connect Omani and Australian businesses for commercial opportunities.

With the ongoing support of the Australian Embassy we will continue to offer complimentary membership to Omani Alumni who have studied in Australia. This will be a clear focus for 2024. 

We are excited to share our new 2024 initiatives with our members through ABGO Connect and many of our other functions. Oman is an ideal gateway to do business in the GCC and the broader region. As a networking group ABGO aims to continuously business-match Omanis and Australians to find the most suitable opportunities.

We look forward to welcoming you to the group and growing in 2024.

Mac Thomson
ABGO Chair

© 2023 Australian Business Group Oman